3PH Alliance: A personal journey from
practice to innovation

3PH Alliance has built its model by transforming our founder successful clinical experience into a complete market solution to leverage and decentralize real-world data generation in the healthcare industry.

2013 - Where it all started

In 2013, as he left academia and started his career in a private practice in cardiac electrophisiology, Dr. Jose Osorio. realized that the known success and complications rates of most procedures were based on limited and outdated clinical trials, instead of real-world evidence reflecting the diversity of patients.

Dr. Osorio began collecting standardized data from all of his patients resulting in one of the largest real-world outcomes databases on radiofrequency ablation for atrial fibrillation ablation.

2019 - Creation of a complete market solution

In 2019, together with Gunther Schrappe, Dr. Osorio transformed his successful clinical experience into a complete market solution to leverage and decentralize real-world data generation in the healthcare industry.

2020-2021 - Expansion

In 2020 and 2021 the company expanded its client base from one Real World Evidence (RWE) registry to two RWE registries with two leading electrophysiology device companies.

2022 - Expansion / Collaboration with FDA

In 2022, the company continued to expand the number of Real World Evidence registries, going beyond atrial fibrillation and into left atrial appendage closure.

Dr. Paul Varosy, one of the country’s leading outcomes researcher joined our team.

The company also started its first FDA labeling research study using RWE, implemented a retrospective research study to allow a startup to train its AI model and started its first clinical trial with sites in the U.S and Europe.

2013 - Where it all started

In 2013, as he left academia and started his career in a private practice in cardiac electrophisiology, Dr. Jose Osorio. realized that the known success and complications rates of most procedures were based on limited and outdated clinical trials, instead of real-world evidence reflecting the diversity of patients.

Dr. Osorio began collecting standardized data from all of his patients resulting in one of the largest real-world outcomes databases on radiofrequency ablation for atrial fibrillation ablation.

2019 - Creation of a complete market solution

In 2019, together with Gunther Schrappe, Dr. Osorio transformed his successful clinical experience into a complete market solution to leverage and decentralize real-world data generation in the healthcare industry.

2020-2021 - Expansion

In 2020 and 2021 the company expanded its client base from one Real World Evidence (RWE) registry to two RWE registries with two leading electrophysiology device companies.

2022 - Expansion / Collaboration with FDA

In 2022, the company continued to expand the number of Real World Evidence registries, going beyond atrial fibrillation and into left atrial appendage closure.

Dr. Paul Varosy, one of the country’s leading outcomes researcher joined our team.

The company also started its first FDA labeling research study using RWE, implemented a retrospective research study to allow a startup to train its AI model and started its first clinical trial with sites in the U.S and Europe.

2013 - Where it all started

In 2013, as he left academia and started his career in a private practice in cardiac electrophisiology, Dr. Jose Osorio. realized that the known success and complications rates of most procedures were based on limited and outdated clinical trials, instead of real-world evidence reflecting the diversity of patients.

Dr. Osorio began collecting standardized data from all of his patients resulting in one of the largest real-world outcomes databases on radiofrequency ablation for atrial fibrillation ablation.

2019 - Creation of a complete market solution

In 2019, together with Gunther Schrappe, Dr. Osorio transformed his successful clinical experience into a complete market solution to leverage and decentralize real-world data generation in the healthcare industry.

2020-2021 - Expansion

In 2020 and 2021 the company expanded its client base from one Real World Evidence (RWE) registry to two RWE registries with two leading electrophysiology device companies.

2022 - Expansion / Collaboration with FDA

In 2022, the company continued to expand the number of Real World Evidence registries, going beyond atrial fibrillation and into left atrial appendage closure.

Dr. Paul Varosy, one of the country’s leading outcomes researcher joined our team.

The company also started its first FDA labeling research study using RWE, implemented a retrospective research study to allow a startup to train its AI model and started its first clinical trial with sites in the U.S and Europe.

2023 - Consolidation and Expansion

The company’s network grew by 10x from 2020 to 2023.

3PH Alliance is creating a learning health organization in partnership with clinicians, researchers, and other stakeholders.

This, includes the formation of special interest groups and regular meetings where best practices are shared and research opportunities are discussed.

As a result, we have seen over 50% of participating physicians change their practice to adopt an innovation presented by one of their peers.

2023 - Consolidation and Expansion

The company’s network grew by 10x from 2020 to 2023.

3PH Alliance is creating a learning health organization in partnership with clinicians, researchers, and other stakeholders.

This, includes the formation of special interest groups and regular meetings where best practices are shared and research opportunities are discussed.

As a result, we have seen over 50% of participating physicians change their practice to adopt an innovation presented by one of their peers.

2023 - Consolidation and Expansion

The company’s network grew by 10x from 2020 to 2023.

3PH Alliance is creating a learning health organization in partnership with clinicians, researchers, and other stakeholders.

This, includes the formation of special interest groups and regular meetings where best practices are shared and research opportunities are discussed.

As a result, we have seen over 50% of participating physicians change their practice to adopt an innovation presented by one of their peers.

Our Numbers

So far


Growth of our network in 2 years


Physicians changed their practices


Electrophysiologists using our network


New sites per month

Our Numbers

So far


Growth of our network in 2 years


Physicians changed their practices


Electrophysiologists using our network


New sites per month




Signed Data Sharing Agrements




Electrophysiologists Using Our Solution


New sites per Month

Global Collaborations in:

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Signed Agrements




Electrophysiologists Using Our Solution


New sites per Month

Global Collaborations in:

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Our Network




Signed Data Sharing




Using Our Solution


New Sites per

Global Collaborations in:

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Sites in our network:

  • Are high volume, quality-driven and research-focused
  • Are interested in solving critical questions in the field of electrophysiology, and more specifically atrial fibrillation ablation
  • Hail from academia and private practice
  • Utilize a consistent standard of care protocol to make research implementation more efficient

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Sites in our network:

  • Are high volume, quality-driven and research-focused
  • Are interested in solving critical questions in the field of electrophysiology, and more specifically atrial fibrillation ablation
  • Hail from academia and private practice
  • Utilize a consistent standard of care protocol to make research implementation more efficient

Want to see more?

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Sites in our network:

  • Are high volume, quality-driven and research-focused
  • Are interested in solving critical questions in the field of electrophysiology, and more specifically atrial fibrillation ablation
  • Hail from academia and private practice
  • Utilize a consistent standard of care protocol to make research implementation more efficient

Want to see more?

Request our Presentation